Dosimeters - Electronic and Passive; Instruments - w/o Limited Quantities
Attn: Kim Piper, MSIN P7-03Ship to: Battelle for the US DOE
790 6th Street
Richland, WA 99354
Dosimeters - for NVLAP Proficiency Testing only
ATTN: Kim Piper, NVLAPShip to: Battelle for the US DOE
790 6th Street
Richland, WA 99354
For Government/DOE radioactive shipments to be delivered to Battelle buildings:
Attn: Name/BRM#Battelle for the USDOE
2355 Stevens Dr., Bldg. 1162
Richland, WA 99354
For non-Government/DOE radioactive shipments to be delivered to Battelle buildings:
Attn: Name/318/BRM#Battelle for the USDOE
760 6th Street
Richland, WA 99354
Regular Correspondence:
Attn: Name/MSIN P7-03Battelle Northwest or Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
P.O. Box 999
Richland, WA 99352
To obtain a BRM# or a copy of our Radioactive Material License call: (509) 371-7863
(NOTE: These addresses are Receiving Warehouses. Your package will be delivered to the Warehouse by the shipper, then to us the next business day.)